Rafi Kohan

Rafi Kohan believes in having adventures and in researching his writings the old fashioned way – first hand.  His latest book The Arena reveals the broad and hidden cultural cosmos surrounding America’s great sports stadiums.  Taking a year-long foray to more than three dozen stadiums, Rafi explored them from the underbelly up.  He personally got to know intimately ticket scalpers, half-time performers, rebid tailgaters, logistic managers – even the proud and precise growers of the field’s sacred sod.  The Arena is a finalist for the PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing.

Currently, Rafi has returned to his journalistic desk as Editorial Director of Atlantic Magazine’s Atlantic Re:think.  Previously he labored as deputy editor for the New York Observer.  His articles have appeared in America’s most read journals, including GQ, Rolling Stone, The Wall street Journal and others.  And, as he noted on our show, his next book and venture is already swirling in the grey matters of his imagination.

            To learn more about Rafi, visit www.rafikohan.com

Rafi Kohan

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