Megan McNealy

Megan McNealy insists that doing well in your career does not magically produce well-being, but the reverse can indeed be true: a personal state of well-being can drive your career joyfully forward. To prove her point, Megan goes straight to the achievement-envy list, from the CEO of Starbucks to the board chair of Tesla, to discover and share the well-being attitudes and practices of the successful. Her highly acclaimed Reinvent the Wheel – How Top Leaders Leverage Well-Being for Success lays out a disciplined, but vastly fulfilling way of life, which she inspires readers to frame for themselves.

A highly successful senior advisor of wealth management for one of the nation’s largest brokerage houses, Megan maintains a high-achievement and high-pressure career with an admirable state of jovial serenity. She developed her own well-being regimen in response to a series of life-crushing illnesses and now works to share her multi-faceted gospel of sensible, beneficial living with others. “We somehow have lost the art of taking care of ourselves,” notes Megan, “and it is vital that we now get it back.”
To learn more about Megan McNealy, visit

Megan McNealy

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