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The IT Tools You Need vs. The Ones You Have

Are you giving yourself and staff the best technology for top production? Is there a better system for communicating within the office – with our customers – from department to department? Host Bart Jackson joins with information technology master Darek…

From NASDAQ to New Tech – The CEO Reveals

How did NASDAQ soar from the new kid on the exchange floor to the premier giant that put stock trading a common occurrence in American homes?  What new invention actually achieves the market’s holy grail of cyber security?  Are the…

Digital Marketing & A.I. Magic – Seizing the Advantage

Today’s marketing has shifted from massive, one-pitch-fits-all campaigns to customized marketing based on your individual behavior. In a previous episode “Hidden Persuaders of A.I. Marketing,” top digital marketing authority William Ammerman told how the drivers of psychotechnology and big data…

Photo of Robbie Kellman Baxter

Building Your Subscriber-based Business

Today, we buy-to-own less and rent-to-use more. Autos, entertainment, meals, transportation, dwellings, and laundry soap are being purchased via subscription. Host Bart Jackson invites back marketing visionary Robbie Baxter, author of The Membership Economy and The Forever Transactiont o discuss…

IP – Protecting Your Brain Children

Can you as entrepreneur defend your invention against mega-competitor encroachment? Can you accidently infringe your own trademark? When you purchase a masterwork of art, what rights do you – and don’t you own? Host Bart Jackson brings on board intellectual…

Photo of Eileen Sinett

Talking Your Way to the Top – Advanced Presenting Techniques

You’re a solid speaker, fairly adept presenter, but now you are moving up into the big leagues. You are called before CEOs, Boards of Directors, and Congressional committees – an impatient, sophisticated audience that doesn’t tolerate mediocrity even slightly. Host…

Winepreneurs, Legendary Winery Tours & Savoring Liquid Assets

American Wine Society Director Dr. Gary Pavlis explains why U.S. wines have exploded in quality & popularity, plus the delicate, delightful art of launching a winery. Both the enjoyment and business of wine have exploded across the U.S. Every state…

The Art of Today’s Real Estate Deal

Real estate boasts the highest return with the least understanding that investors ever make. It is the largest single purchase for families (more costly than divorce.) It’s the toughest of trades in hot-spot cities worldwide, and it’s tougher still when…

Wattsamatter with Gen Z’s Today?

How do you think generations Y and Z should be educated and trained for entry into business? Host Bart Jackson invites educational changemaker Mark Perna who offers revolutionary ideas on how we should train our children – the purpose of…